Jiema, also known as the “sisters-in-law game,” is a traditional Chinese custom that dates back centuries. It is a ritualistic gesture of goodwill between new brides and their sisters-in-law. The custom involves the bride preparing gifts for her sisters-in-law as a way to show respect and gratitude for their welcoming her into the family.

Jiema is not just a simple exchange of gifts; it is a symbol of the bond between women in a family. It is a way to foster harmony and unity among the female members of the household. The custom also serves as an opportunity for the bride to showcase her skills and talents through the gifts she creates for her sisters-in-law.

In modern times, Jiema has evolved to include a variety of gifts, ranging from homemade treats to carefully crafted handicrafts. Despite the changing times, the tradition of Jiema continues to hold a special place in Chinese culture as a way to honor and celebrate the bonds of sisterhood.#32#